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Dr. Laura Carswell

Dr. Laura Carswell graduated from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and completed her pediatric residency with a focus on internal medicine at Johns Hopkins. After 8 years working as a pediatrician, Carswell became a professor at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health and developed a curriculum for a Master’s in Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology. All the while, she served as a dedicated member and Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. In 2019, she was appointed as the Vice President of the AAP where she has been working tirelessly to improve rates of routine vaccination for youth and adolescents. Carswell’s background combines pediatrics and vaccinology, so her opinion on the HPV vaccine controversy warrants acknowledgement. In the following letter addressed to members of the AAP, Carswell reminds pediatricians of their critical role in promoting HPV vaccination rates.

By Emma Paine
To explore the resources referenced in Dr. Carswell's letter, click on the links below!

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Kids Doctor Checkup
  1. American Academy of Pediatrics. (2013). Refusal to Vaccinate [Form].  

  2. Cancers Associated with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) | CDC. (2020, September 14).

  3. Dorell, C., Yankey, D., & Strasser, S. (2011). Parent-Reported Reasons for Nonreceipt of Recommended Adolescent Vaccinations, National Immunization Survey—Teen, 2009. Clinical Pediatrics, 50(12), 1116–1124.

  4. Holman, D. M., Benard, V., Roland, K. B., Watson, M., Liddon, N., & Stokley, S. (2014). Barriers to Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among US Adolescents. JAMA Pediatrics, 168(1), 76–82.

  5. HPV Champion Toolkit. (n.d.). AAP.Org. Retrieved February 28, 2021, from

  6. HPV Vaccine: State Legislation and Regulation. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2021, from

  7. McRee, A.-L., Gilkey, M. B., & Dempsey, A. F. (2014). HPV Vaccine Hesitancy: Findings From a Statewide Survey of Health Care Providers. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 28(6), 541–549.

  8. Meites, E. (2016). Use of a 2-Dose Schedule for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination—Updated Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 65.

  9. North, A. L., & Niccolai, L. M. (2016). Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Requirements in US Schools: Recommendations for Moving Forward. American Journal of Public Health, 106(10), 1765–1770.

  10. State Mandates on Immunization and Vaccine-Preventable Diseases: MenACWY Vaccine. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2021, from

  11. Walker, T. Y. (2019). National, Regional, State, and Selected Local Area Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents Aged 13–17 Years—United States, 2018. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 68.

  12. YouTube. (n.d.). #howirecommend Home [YouTube Channel].  

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